Port City Highland Games
Started in 2022, the event includes professional and amateur athletic competitions (including the East Coast Women's Championship competition), Port City Pipes & Drums, herding dog demonstrations, music by The Blarney Brogues with a Celtic seisean (session) in the afternoon, Highland dancing by the Monroe School of Highland Dance, sword fighting demonstrations by the Triangle Sword Guild, a British car show, kids games and face painting. Visit Sreath Cinneadh (Clan Row), Sreath Bùtha (Shop Row), and Sreath Bìdh (Food Row), and play with puppies in the paws4people tent!

Who's In Charge
The Port City Highland Games is organized by, and will benefit, paws4vets, a part of the paws4people foundation. Port City Highland Games LLC is responsible for the athletics portion of the event. The Scottish Society of Wilmington provides guidance and assistance in the cultural portion.
Why We're Doing This
Our main purpose is to raise funds to place our awesome service dogs with vets who desperately need their loving help!
The second reason is to honor the rich Scottish history of the Lower Cape Fear region. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, more than 20,000 Scottish immigrants landed here to begin a new life in North Carolina.